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Bike routes around Barcelona - Destination Hotel Pulitzer

Every day I spend in this city I think that Barcelona and cycling go hand in hand. Year-round cycling is a privilege that not all cities offer. I know, I’m lucky! So the weekend arrives and I can't resist. I put on my helmet and go on one of the many bike routes Barcelona offers.

There is one bike route Barcelona that I love and that is perfect for a day when you fancy going for a ride, eating together on the beach and finish by enjoying a glass of rosé wine on a terrace with a great atmosphere in the evening. That being said, my perfect plan is to go to Bogatell beach by bike and to sit down to enjoy a good tomato salad and baked fish at the beach bar Xiringuito Escribá. Eating with your feet in the sand is the best thing in the world! Especially when the late afternoon arrives with its light breeze and when the sun doesn’t burn but warms... and enjoy of a Canned Rosé Wine that I bring with me.

Another destination bcn in the afternoon passes and it’s time to put my second plan of the day into action, Hotel Pulitzer. This designer hotel is on a street near Plaza Cataluña, the heart of the city. To get there you can also use Bicing although the bikes are usually highly sought-after.

Start of the route: Bogatell Beach
Destination: Hotel Pulitzer, Calle Bergara, 8. 08002. Barcelona
Duration of the route: 37 minutes

I pedal along Avenida del Litoral and then take the Nova Icaria promenade. I love this avenue because the palm trees make me feel like it’s summer all year round. For that reason I love this bike routes barcelona.

At the end of the avenue is the Paseo de Colón roundabout and I then go onto the busy Ramblas. The only lane that reaches Plaza Cataluña is usually quiet. Tip: Don’t try to go in the pedestrian area of the main Rambla! It will be impossible to get through… At the end of this route I reach Plaza Cataluña and the street Bergara, where Hotel Pulitzer is.

I park my bike very close to the hotel entrance and I go up to the terrace and of course, it is filled with a lively atmosphere. In the evenings, the hotel organises the so-called #buenastardespulitzer, great music sessions which you can accompany with a good glass of Born Rosé Wine. Just the way I like it, nice and cool, with a few ice cubes in the glass. A full day!