Family Pack, all our ROSÉs together in one box
ROSÉ lover, we are coming up to that time of year when it is acceptable to get a little melancholic. It’s those days when we fly to find our way back, when we savour moments soaked in traditional flavours and when we think of ideas to surprise.
These are the days when eating and drinking are all part of the ritual. Yes, the table brings us together more than ever! And the glasses are the bearers of good wishes. And what's inside them? What can we say about wine! For us, it is the highlight of every festive season, always a good topic of conversation in the family and an essential gift for those who like to drink well and in their favourite way, a life philosophy. And it is exactly for them that we have created a very special pack which would be a great gift this Christmas. ROSÉ lovers, we’re proud to introduce our Family Pack.

We reveal the secrets of our most special ROSÉ pack
Our unique unboxing starts with a beautiful ROSÉ coloured box. Yes, we have designed it especially for it to look perfect under the tree. As soon as you open it, the colour of our ROSÉs makes it almost impossible for your mouth not to water. Blue reflections, soft, enticing colours... Now let’s take a look at the bottles. BORN ROSÉ Barcelona and its stylish design. Brut BORN ROSÉ the glass stopper has been replaced by a muselet and cork. Non-stop bubbles. Oh! And our pack also includes a BR stopper so you can keep your sparkling wine sublime. Surprise! Our canned BORN ROSÉ and BORN ROSÉ Bubbles definitely give the WOW effect! But the GRAND FINALE belongs to our 503 BORN ROSÉ Barcelona. Our gastronomic wine par excellence.
A perfect gift for...
All wine lovers! But also for the biggest foodies. And for all those who have a host of things to toast to. And of course, for those who believe that ROSÉ is a life philosophy. And, like you, to all those who have been there for us on our journey throughout the year.